Tuesday 27 July 2010

Treasure Island Dreaming

Awe inspiring walls of crystal blue sea charged out of the deep and formed glistening barrels that peeled down the reef for 200 some meters…. Welcome to treasure island.

Treasure island is known as one of Indonesia’s best right-handers, and last week I saw what it is truly capable of. A fickle wave, it is rare that all the conditions come together. One Wednesday in late July the stars aligned and we scored perfect treasure island with only 6-10 surfers in the water. The boys staying at the lodge and I took turns having a beer on the boat and getting some pics and video to document the epic day. Later when the swell faded we scored some rippable waves in the bay also, all in all a glorious week of surf!

Check it all out below:

If this video appears cutoff view it in full here

Until next time... Live long and get barreled!


  1. Bigs Ups!!!!

    I can see why they call it TREASURE Island!!!

    Great footage and pics!!!!!

    Long Live Indo Brindo.........

  2. An amazing blog. I'm so glad this one was visible to my computer! Looks like amazing waves - There are definitely some pics here that could be sent to surf magazines. Great to see you so happy. I love you,

  3. If you have to live the dream, you might as well go as big as you can. Looks like you are having no problems living in the moment and being exactly where you want to be. Props. I don't know why but this blog needs a mahalo at the end of it. Reading it I feel like I am viewing a religious experience. So,


  4. Dude, these pictures are perfect. I feel like I am right there with you. Glad to hear that life is still exciting, and the waves are endless. Can't wait to catch up when you make it back to the states.
